Zirconium, the metal extracted from the mineral, zircon, may not be
well-known, but its remarkable properties make it indispensable in nuclear
power, the chemical industry, medicine and more. Since ancient times, zircon —
a word believed to have originated from the Persian zargun, meaning
gold-like — has been used in jewellery and decorations.
The IAEA has
released The Metallurgy of Zirconium, a three-volume
publication offering a comprehensive overview of the metal, its extraction,
properties and applications in nuclear energy. Here are five interesting facts
about zirconium.
1. Zirconium is a shiny silver-grey
It is highly
ductile and extremely resistant to corrosion and heat. Its symbol in the
periodic table is Zr, and its atomic number is 40. It melts at 1855 degrees
Celsius (°C) and boils at 4409 °C, and it is not corroded by acids, alkalis or
2. The mineral zircon is relatively
widespread on the Earth’s surface
Zirconium is
primarily extracted from the mineral zircon which is often found in the sands
of coastal waters. The mineral is not contained in concentrated deposits, but
rather broadly dispersed inside the ground. Today, the major producers of
zirconium include Australia, China, Indonesia, South Africa and Ukraine. Beyond
Earth, the element has been identified in the stars, including the Sun, and in
lunar rocks.
3. Zirconium was discovered in 1789
Zirconium was
identified by German chemist Martin Klaproth in a zircon stone brought from Sri
Lanka. Pure zirconium — metal not mixed or alloyed with other elements — was
first produced in 1925. But it was not widely used in industry until the end of
the 1940s when it became an important engineering material used in producing
nuclear energy.
4. Zirconium is mainly used in
nuclear power
Zirconium is indispensable in the production of nuclear energy,
particularly as a cladding for long cylindrical fuel rods inside nuclear
reactors. There are several reasons why zirconium is an optimal material to
surround uranium pellets: the metal is exceptionally resistant to corrosion and
high temperatures, and it absorbs very few of the neutrons produced by a
nuclear fission reaction. The latter is essential for the chain reaction to run
effectively inside the reactor’s core and to sustain the production of energy.
By cladding uranium
fuel, zirconium also helps protect the coolant, typically water flowing through
the reactor core, from contamination. It is estimated that up to 90 per cent of
zirconium produced in the world is used for nuclear power.
5. While most zirconium is used in the nuclear
field, it is not limited to that
Being tremendously resistant to corrosion by many
acids and alkalis, it is broadly employed in the chemical industry. Zirconium
compounds are used in ceramics, abrasives, lamp filaments, jet engines and
space shuttle parts. In the medical field, zirconium dioxide, also known as
zirconia, is applied as a material for dental and surgical implants due to its
biocompatibility and durability. Zirconia is also used as a gemstone — cubic
zirconia — a synthesized material that can be a substitute for diamonds and other
precious stones.
Want to know more about zirconium?
The IAEA’s new publication The Metallurgy of
Zirconium is your go-to source. Over three volumes, the book — unique in its
scope and breadth — provides readers in industry and academia with a
comprehensive review of the development and understanding of zirconium within
the context of its use in nuclear reactors. It presents input from leading
experts in the relevant fields and encompasses the full spectrum of zirconium
as a metal, its properties and its use.
The publication’s coverage includes alloy
development in the nuclear industry and guidelines on commercial alloys and
alloys under development; extraction and consolidation of zirconium, from ore
to ingot to component; deformation and texture of various alloys with analysis
of the effects of irradiation damage on physical and mechanical behaviour as
well as deformation and creep during irradiation and damage due to oxidation
and corrosion; and ductility and fractures of alloys.
“The future of the nuclear industry worldwide
depends primarily on the ability of the nuclear community to further improve
our understanding of the materials used in the industry,” said Anzhelika
Khaperskaia, Technical Lead at the IAEA Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and
Waste Technology and current Scientific Secretary responsible for the
publication of the book.
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