Importance of keeping Laboratory Activities Records
It is
common for anyone to judge the sophistication and reputation of a laboratory by
its :
- Landscaping and architectural
- Availability of modern
sophisticated facilities
- Adherence to committed time
frames for analysis
- Trained manpower
- Pleasant and sweet talking
customer support staff
factors do contribute towards a laboratory’s reputation but in real terms it is
more important that records of all laboratory activities are strictly
maintained. Some laboratory activities may appear to be too mundane for
recording purpose but with experience you will realize that adherence to record
keeping activities can come to your rescue in embarrassing and difficult
Let me
make a start by listing out activities which must be recorded without fail:
- Record all analysis activities
in your laboratory notebook. These should include calculations, weight
slips, chromatograms and spectra, Records help future workers to learn
from your mistakes so even negative results are equally important.
- Record of temperature, humidity
and atmospheric pressure (in case necessary) on periodic basis
- Record of sample receipt and
- Record of calibration of test
instruments, weighing balances and thermometers
- Logbook records on usage of
instruments, balances, pH meters, etc
- Record on consumption of
reference materials and working standards
- Record inspection of safety
devices such as fire extinguishers, safety showers, etc
- Daily record on effluent
treatment activities
- Installation record of various
instruments including IQ, OQ and PQ
- Validation of chemists and
methods adopted as standard test procedures
- Date of preparation of reagents
and standards along with their validity record
- Daily housekeeping records
Now it is
time to discuss the situations in which you are going to thank yourself for
record keeping of your Laboratory activities.
your inventions – honest
recording of all laboratory activities are a great help in registration for
laboratory testing – your
analysis reports on patient samples will decide the future course of treatment.
In case of doubt or marginal results your data can be questioned on the
analysis technique, conditions of test, calibration of instruments and your
documentation will provide the necessary support.
analysis – it
is of utmost importance for forensic analysts to maintain records of all
laboratory activities because your results can be questioned in a court of law.
Your analysis reports can form basis for conviction in criminal cases.
analysis – industrial
chemists are daily posed the question whether the material is passing or
failing. Your verdict based on your documented reports can mean profit or loss
of enormous magnitude to your organization in addition to serving the interests
of the consumer
monitoring – the
analysis results in a way affect all of us irrespective of our social status as
we all depend on quality of natural resources such as air, water and
agricultural produce.
As you
observe from above examples all analytical data is equally important for
ensuring good quality of life. The data is reliable only if records are
properly maintained to support its validity.
constitute an essential part of laboratory operations. Auditors rely on your
documented records only and it is almost impossible to convince them on verbal
statements. Auditors firmly believe
The only
option left to come out of audit exercises successfully is to record your data
honestly and concurrent to the activity.
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