Loss on Ignition test method and procedures for limestone sample
Limestone is a sedimentary rock, composed mainly of skeletal fragments of marine organisms such as coral, forams and molluscs. Its major materials are the minerals calcite and aragonite, which are different crystal forms of calcium carbonate (CaCO3).
Limestone is composed principally of calcium carbonate, which when heated at elevated temperatures decomposes to calcium oxide and carbon dioxide.
CaCO3 + Heat = CaO + CO2
Loss on Ignition
When limestone is heated at elevated
temperatures, carbon is lost to the air as carbon dioxide (CO2)
leaving behind the calcium oxide component.
Below is the determination procedures
Equipment and Apparatus
2.Analytical Balance
3. Glass weighing Bottle
4. Platinum crucible
5. A murfle Furnance
6. Agate Morter
Preparation of Sample for Analysis
1.11 Procedure: Sample randomly, small portions from
the bulk of the material to reach about 1000g; dry if wet in the oven at 110OC
for 1 hour. Mix together the dry
sample on a graph paper, spread evenly and scoop small quantities at a time unto another paper using a clean spatula, again mix and spread as before. Finally scoop about 5g from the
entire spread surface into an agate mortar, pulverize, and transfer into a weighing
bottle; dry in the oven at 110OC
for 1 hour, and cool in the desiccator to room temperature.
Test Procedure: Weigh a clean platinum crucible with a lid,
note the weight; transfer 1.0 g of the
ground sample into it, cover with the lid and weigh again; note the total
weight. Transfer the charged crucible into a muffle furnace, raise furnace
temperature from 0 to 1000 OC and ignite for 1 hour, cool in the
desiccator to room temperature and weigh to determine the loss in weight.
Loss on Ignition (CO2)
= Change
in weight x 100%

Sample Weight
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